//Gang Fight//
"Police! Police! Police! Police!"
That's some dumb thing we have to shout when doing a st john first aid case that involves a gang fight.
Next we must clear weapons using a bandage or anything so that you don't leave your fingerprints...
Casualties are likely to suffer from multiple incised wounds...and clear the scene IMMEDIATELY if the gang comes back...
And no...this is not a post on "Dummy's Guide On How To Handle A Gang Fight", in case you are wondering.
One almost broke out in my class today. Not exactly "gang" fight, more like "cliques" fight, but to tell you the truth, I don't know what I should call it.
Long story short: Guy A provokes Guy B, then something happened in between, then Guy A and his "clique" want to fight Guy B and his "clique". Obviously this 2 cliques not getting along very well...(pardon me if there is anything wrong with the scenario I mentioned above..)
Seriously, I didn't know it happened, till I was told about it...I don't know a lot of things that goes on in class, I am always out of the loop..it is either I'm not observant...or I don't care about what happened...I guess it is more of the latter (since those who knows me well...knows I'm well know for my spying...I mean observation skills.)
So I find this whole thing amusing...I mean I thought this kind of thing would happen in pri 4 not sec 4, but who knows. Maybe the 2 groups do have some 深仇大恨which I don't know about (which is actually very possible)..
But personally, I get along ok with this 2 groups of people...not really very very close to either, am closer to one of the group than the other, but is on ok talking terms with the other...both seem pretty normal and ok to me...so I don't know what could have happen to make them hate each other so much (?).
Seriously, I don't know why I'm writing about this, this obviously has nothing to do with me...I'm not a part of it, but somehow, I just feel that I got something out of this whole incident...I just can't put my fingers around it and can't pinpoint exactly what is this "something"...
In a wonky donky mood now...feeling a little 精神恍惚 for no apparent reason...weird...
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