//Amazing Quotes//
Tonight's first part of the Amazing Race: Family Edition is not bad, lots of funny quotes...
Amazing Quote 1: At the airport, Weavers family surround DJ Paolo, asking him why he yielded them.
Mama Weaver: Why did you yield us?
DJ Paolo: You were the last there.
Mama Weaver: But we've been nothing but nice to you (yea, mocking Tony Paolo for his profession isn't exactly very nice..)
DJ Paolo: But this is a race!
Mama Weaver: Let's be friends...(and she said it in the freakiest kind of manner, like a psycho gone crazy woman)
*Look of WTF on DJ's face
DJ Paolo: It's the final 5, we were just trying to knock you out. (and he said something about using the yield)
*Fake stunned look on Mama Weaver face
Mama Weaver: But you don't have any yield left, we do sweets. (and she said it in yet another freaky manner)
Amazing Quote 2: At the warehouse
DJ Paolo (reading the clue): Fly yourself to Phoenix, Arizona.
Mama Paolo: Why the hell are we going to Arizona?!? I wanna go New Zealand!!
*so does the viewers Mama Paolo...
Amazing Quote 3: On the cart on the way to the warehouse
Papa and Mama Paolo singing some Italian Opera kind of song...
DJ Paolo: Am I in hell or what...
Amazing Quote 4: At the parking lot at the airport
Mama Paolo (to DJ): I hope you would never get married, no woman would take that kind of crap from you!
Amazing Quote 5: At the race track
Mama Weaver: My husband just died a year ago in the race track accident, we haven't really gotten over it yet, it is still kind of new for us....
Guy: It's very safe..*then he just went on explaining the task like nothing happened..
Amazing Quote 6: At the race track (which is my favourite)
Sister Godlewskis: I feel bad for the Florida team (Weaver family), their dad died in a race track aciddent.
Went over to Sister Weaver and pat her on her shoudlers
Sister Godlewskis: Are you okay, I'm sure your dad is very proud of you guys.
*a moment later after she left
Sister Weaver: I hate the Desperate Housewives (Godlewskis family), they are annoying, they lie.
*This is like the biggest irony ever, though I'm sure there is editing involved, but the editors make it seem like she said that right after the Godlewskis comforted her, and the "they lie" comment is so fitting, so I guess their dad isn't proud of them at all...since the Godlewskis sister "lie"...
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