Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Spoon?

//A Spoon?//

Phoebe: You know I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right?

Prue: Yeah, money, antiques, a strong disposition. That's what normal people inherit.

Phoebe: Who wants to be normal when we can be special?

- Charmed

Yes, normal people inherit money, anitiques and so on...but what can a class inherit?

A Spoon?

After campfire on the last day of orientation, we were asked to meet at the canteen by our senior class...and we inherited a spoon from them...

Let's rewind...campfire's pretty boring initially with all the performances from all the facs, and by tht time it reaches the third faculty (Ares I think), the whole class was in the canteen eating our dinner from Poolside...

After that we were so bored by the campfire games that we decided to go to the class bench and chit chat, and later we went to the area near the field, formed a circle and sat down and chit chat and played games n discussed what we want to sell for the CNY stall...

By the time it's the song and dance, we were back in the central plaza...singing & dancing together...and of course we sung our 71-ing song...

But all these are not the main point....after the campfire ended, we met our senior class at the canteen, with a whole bunch of seniors from previous batches hanging around...

We were told to squeeze on 2 canteen tables...and do some cheers, and in particular, we are supposed to do this cheer that we have to jump, shake and turn around...

And then came the moment...the watermelon eating ceremony...we were given one watermelon, one spoon (which of course wasn't really used) and one minute to finish up the whole watermelon...

The eating part wasn't much of a problem, it is the part in which we have to open up the watermelon that was a problem, and we spent at least half the time trying to squash it open...

We more or less managed to finish the whole watermelon in one minute....and after the whole thing, Alicia was told to keep the spoon and passed it on to the next batch...and I heard that this watermelon eating tradition was started in 1987...and when I said "heard" I mean really overheard 2 seniors talking something about 1987 I just assumed...

Earlier that day after war games, I was collecting the valuables for the class in the hall, this teacher was from 71 too (96s71), which make exactly 10 years our seniors, guessed she went through the same watermelon eating thing too...

Later the class went to KAP (again) with the senior class...I am completely and utterly sick of KAP...played 终极密码...

All the fun's ended and here comes the lessons...sianz...actually I won't say "fun's ended" cause I don't really think that this orientation is that fun...though we had a lot of class interaction through practising for the performance, painting the banner and going out to eat together everyday....but the orientation programme itself is quite boring, which was made even worse by the bad weather...

But regardless of how fun the orientation, the REALLY boring lessons are beginning...

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