Saturday, March 18, 2006

My Perfect Lover

//My Perfect Lover//

Instructions: The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Tagged by Terence...lucky me...actually I don't really have any specific qualities that I'm looking for in my I wonder how I'm going to crap 8 qualities out...

Gender: Female


1. Must be talkative
I'm a very stone person by nature, so if she stone I stone than we will die of boredom. So she must talk!! Talk a lot!! While I just sit and get entertained listening to her lazy me...

2. Must have a busy life
Meaning she must have a life of a own larz, the busier the better...I mean my dating experience is like zero? But then I just don't envy people who have to constantly dig time out of their ever so busy schedule to go out with bf/gf. I always feel that finding time to go out with your gf/bf is very view may change once I start dating or something...but for now the busier she is...the less we have to meet up...the more time I have to slack...the better it is...

3. Must love to sing and be tolerant towards my singing
If not she will be bored to death when we go KBox....and she have to endure my terrible singing not to she must have a high tolerance level for my singing....

4. Must be a good listener
Yea, I mentioned she must talk a lot....but she cannot be those self-centered bitch too, she must have the patience to listen to me whine cause I love to whine. And when I whine and bitch and complain about my life...I hate it when that person is totally uninterested or give too much comments....she must know how to achieve a delicate balance of showing concern, yet not showing too much...

5. Must be practical
Ok, treating her movies or dinner, sometimes is fine...but I expect her to be practical too..I mean I'm still a student..I don't have a steady she mustn't expect it every single time...which brings me to my point why start dating now? Hmm...and I want her to be practical as well, in the sense that don't waste money buying useless stuff for me for my Bdae or Vdae...and I hope she don't expect flowers or least chocalate still can eat right....

6. Must look decent
Definition of decent here simply means ok/average/so-so....don't need to be ultra long as kan de shun yan can liaoz...

7. Must watch Lost/Depserate Housewives/etc...
ok...I am seriously running out of things to say liaoz....ok...she must watch at least one of these shows I watch...then got something more to talk about....

8. Must have very limited SMS per month
If she got very limited number of SMS...then it means I don't have to keep sms-ing her...I prefer msn-ing...

I sound like the boyfriend from hell don't it? Lol...

Ok...can I don't victimise anyone anymore? Ok...cannot...must target someone...if not then not are my targets:

1) Edmund
2) Everlyn
3) Jason
4) Mann Ying
5) Wilson
6) Kai Herng
7) Yan Han
8) Jia Ling

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