//Best CPR//I remember 3 years ago, after nat comp, jeremy was complaining to me that he missed the best leader by 2 marks. The best leader (from zone 8) got 31 marks, and he got 29. Just as a number 1 would look at his leader score, I would naturally look at the CPR score, since number 3 is usually in charge of CPR.
The person with best CPR (from zone 8 too) got 44. 2 person tied for second place with a score of 40. I got 39.5, coming in third (or fourth, depending on how you look at it).
Even though my score wasn't really fantastic, I was actually quite proud of it at that time, cause I never really think I am good in CPR at all...it was just something I had to do since I was the number 3, so being 0.5 marks away from being 2nd was a great deal for me.
Best CPR wasn't something I was actively trying to get when preparing for competition, I was more concerned with overall performance, trying to get at least a top 3 position and best footdrill, which was a huge thing for us at that time, considering we haven't done well in Nat comp at all since I joined st john in sec 1.
But after looking at the scores of the CPR and I remember looking at the trophies in St John room and I saw this Best CPR trophy, I was determined to make sure that we will win that best CPR the following year, just like how jeremy really wanted the next batch to win the best leader.
To a very large extent, I wanted to help the juniors win something that I couldn't win it myself. It's kind of a mentality that even though I am not good enough to win it, at least I trained someone good enough to win it.
Unfortunately it didn't happen.
They made up for it by winning lots of other stuff though.
The batch after that (last year), which wasn't trained by me didn't manage to get the best CPR too.
Come this year, I wasn't really expecting much anymore, afterall, it's like a long lost dream for me..haha. But still, when they are announcing the results for CPR, I am still very much hoping for the emcee to announce "Zone 7".
Thank you yufan and whoever it is that trained the teams CPR, for finally making this a dream a reality.
Just heard that Wei Sheng did really well for CPR too! He got third! :) And he wasn't even the one supposed to do CPR...really proud of him.
Even though I didn't train the teams for CPR, it still ROCKS to see that Hwachong finally won that best CPR. Its marks probably didn't have a very very big impact on the overall results, but it's kind of a pride thing for me.
Being the person to do CPR for my team, and being forced by jer to judge CPR for all mock comps, I kind of grew to like it I guess. I still suck at CPR, I probably can't give a very positive demo of a good CPR, but I am still very critical of people doing CPR, I still want my juniors to do well in CPR.
I am just so glad that I get to see this trophy before I graduated from Hwa Chong.
I am not taking anything away from any other stuff that they won, cause it's equally hard too, but it's just this shuang dao lan feeling...woots!
Anyway...congrats to AC and AA! The trainers did a fantastic job too...
2nd in Footdrill
2nd in Long Case
2nd in Short Case
Overall 2nd!
Best Leader
Best Long Case
Best CPR2nd in TOC
to jeremy: you can finally sleep without having nightmares about nat comp anymore...haha..