BT 完了。
Literally and figuratively.
Watched a movie called "Zodiac" during the holidays. Although I wasn't exactly thrilled or super excited about it, I wasn't hating it like my friends were. In fact, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by it.
It's based on a true story, about a series of murders conducted by a guy who called himself "Zodiac" in US in the 1960s and 70s.
Reading the synopsis, I was expecting a thriller, with a clever plot that is full of twists and turns (like The Prestige). And it turned out quite the oppsite.
The narration was quite "one note", or like what our Chinese teacher used to say, 流水帐. There wasn't much twists and turns to the story like I thought there would be. And most importantly, there was no resolution in the end. The murderer was not found.
And usually I would feel very let down by a movie like that, but surprisely, I didn't felt that way. I actually felt that the simple narration, and lack of contrived twists and turns helped to make the story much more believable and real. Instead of feeling like I'm watching a movie, I actually felt like I was a bystander, witnessing the whole event unfold in front of me.
The narration may not be very exciting, but I think the story itself, for me, is intriguing enough. He allowed the story to be told in the most direct and honest manner, and I appreciate that because it prevented the movie from becoming one of the many Hollywood thrillers.
I may not be kept at the edge of my seat throughout the movie, but like I mentioned, I actually felt like I was living in that time, watching this drama unfold (that spanned over 4 decades) in just 2+ hours, and the movie showed a lot of real aspects of real life investigaton, like how inefficient the US police can be, especially since this case span over a few states.
The lack of a definite resolution in the end was kind of disappointing at first, but since the fact is the real murderer was never really truly found, I can understand why the director end the movie on that note. However, watching the process of how the police and that cartoonist try to crack the case is interesting enough for me already, as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, it's not always the end that counts, it's the process.
So the movie is just like what I said, 平淡也可以很精彩。
最近迷上了陈绮贞和Jack Johnson 的歌。
特别喜欢陈绮贞声音。虽然她没有很华丽的外表或是很绚丽的歌声,但她就是简单,很诚恳地把每一首歌唱好,听起来有一种 "我只唱给你听" 的感觉,就是会让人感动。她也不用复杂的编曲,不卖弄技巧,就是一把吉他,一份诚恳,让我们陶醉在她的歌曲中。
- 陈绮贞 (九份的咖啡店)
- 陈绮贞 (九份的咖啡店)
It's kind of sad listening to those 2 lines, and looking at this picture at the same time, it's taken in 九份 by the way.
- 陈绮贞 (九份的咖啡店)
Jack Jackson is similar in the sense that his lyrics are simple, yet it's so true, and sometimes it really reflects what I feel perfectly...it's not really fanciful, and it may even appear blatently obvious and retarded to some...but its simpleness just hits me...
And there has always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying
Boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
And heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
But then hurt from time to time like these
And times like those
And what will be will be
And so it goes
And it always goes on and on...
On and on it goes
- Jack Johnson (Times Like These)
What will be will be, and so it goes...my facourite lines...I know it sounds a bit like fatalism that we studied last time, fate decides our life, etc...but you know there are always moments and times in life that we would feel like everything is beyond our control...what will be will just be...
I think that's largely how I see life in general...not that I feel like I have no control over my life or whatsoever, but just that I just like to take it easy...I don't like to live in the present frantically trying to plan for my future...like what I wanna be in the future...I know it's bad but that's just me...when the time comes...i will just deal with it...
And there's a part of me that really craves this certain "平淡"ness in my life...i don't need like exciting stuff to happen, just a good book or a good movie, or even chatting with friends, having a good lunch will make my day, just find me something simple to pass time, and I'll be happy...
Like today...spent an hour plus at this CD shop at Taka B2...listening to lots of different songs...I really love that feeling..putting on those headphones, and immersing myself in the music, it's almost like I don't really notice what's going on around me anymore....
A good lucnch with classmates followed by spending some time at Kino looking at random books, was a nice feeling too...it's like we don't need to always go out to watch movie and stuff...I enjoy this kind of moments as much as anything else too...
Milkrun...well..it's just running...but still I enjoyed it...these times spent with classmates...especially when I know there's not much time left for us as a class...
Ok...离题了...I think this entry is rather fragmented...and incoherent...but oh well..that's me...full of incoherent and random thoughts in my mind...shall end here...
I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
And, see what there is to see
And time is just a melody
-Jack Johnson (Breakdown)
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