I am in a semi-depressed mood today.
Depressed over what? Actually nothing. Ha.
This always happens when I'm too free or rather, when I am slacking my day away.
When I'm not doing anything in particular, my mind will wander off, hu si luan xiang, think till I get depressed. Bad.
That's a good thing about mugging. It keeps my mind off stuff that I shouldn't be thinking about.
Oh, and I am actually looking forward to my evening jogs..haha...
It's a nice feeling, to be jogging while listening to music, when the sun is setting, and gradually it gets dark...and I jog on...I enjoy that half an hour everyday, especially on days like these, cause in the half an hour, there's literally nothing on my mind, the music fills my world, and my mind is just...jogging, jog on! It's a peaceful half an hour for me.
And this time round, I will be determined, to keep this evening jog thing for the entire holiday.
Oooh, and my luck is turning around! I found my Galvanic Cell notes!! It's stuck in my bro's messy pile of worksheets, god knows how it got there, the main pt is I found it!
Woots, my luck is turning around!
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