Friday, September 08, 2006

Intellectual Conversations

//Intellectual Conversations//

Ever thought about how control of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome can be fitted into our everyday's conversation?? See HERE

Yesterday, during dinner at my house with my PW mates, wilson and ever...

wilson: i don't want to take that direct bus's damn long...
ever: what's the bus number? oh wait...let me think...I think I can remember...5....5....5...
me: it's 51...
ever: oh...I thought it's 52...
wilson: there's 52 here??
me: no..but there's 53...
ever: *suddenly sits up and exclaims* p53...that gene it in cancer notes...

*all 4 of us stares at her....speechless...

Today, during lunch at Thai Noodle house with 9 other classmates....

mitch: should i eat the dessert huh??
me: well, you will have to look at the marginal benefit and the marginal cost of eating the mb>mc...if it is then you eat lor........

*mitch stares at me in horror

I believe we have all sunk to a new low...

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