It's kind of ironic how I actually blog more during the exam period (A lvls somemore), but I guess the very fact that it's exam --> i mug a lot --> i get very bored easily --> i want to do something other than mugging --> i go to the kitchen for food --> i get fat --> i feel guilty --> i stop eating --> i try to find something else to do --> I BLOG!
See the logical flow of ideas? That's how I prepare my notes.....
Increase in nuclear charge --> almost constant shielding effect --> effective nuclear charge increase --> pull the outer electrons closer to the nucleus --> atomic radius decrease across the period
Decrease in tax --> increase in disposable income --> increase in consumption --> increase in AD
And I digress too much already! Hope my GP essay was not like this. Speaking of GP, I just caught a glimpse of our dear PM Lee on the news, talking about environmental conservation! How being the small little red dot that we are, even if we stop using all the aircon blah blah blah for don't know how long, the energy we can conserve is only equivalent what China used up in 3 days, but he said this doesn't mean we will stop making the effort, cause we are a global city afterall...
I wonder where he got his statistics from. And more importantly, it's related to the GP essay that I (and zillions of other individuals) attempted! The topic seems to be haunting me!
It's just like prelims, I remember the day after Econs paper, I saw on the Channel 8 evening news, a report on increasing the MRT fares...which was exactly what came out in the micro case study!
Back to what I wanted to blog about in the first place...MUGGING PLACES! I figured in about 18 days 9 hours time, I won't be mugging anymore..for about 2+ years...which means I probably won't be visiting my favourite mugging hangouts of my 2 years in I decided that I want to take some photos of them so that I can look back at these photos and remember what a wonderful mugger I was!
These places include...
1) My dinning room!
2) My living room!
3) My room!
4) My kitchen!
5) My balcony!
6) My sister's room!
7) The masterbed room! (don't you think master-bed room sounds dirty?)
Well..all these ain't that exciting, so I probably won't be posting photos...except maybe 1 or 2 (with my notes sprawling all over the place)
Now for the more exciting ones...(the bold-ed ones are places which I've been to rather regularly to mug)
1) Marina Square Foodcourt!
2) Paradiz Foodcourt!
3) Habourfront Centre Foodcourt!
4) United Square Foodcourt!
5) Century Square Foodcourt!
6) Sumohouse! (which sells jap food by the way)
7) Cosy corner at Hwa Chong SRC! (it's not the same as cosy corner in coro...this one's at science research centre in Hwa's basically a corner...with benches..and it gets really warm in the afternoon...haha)
8) KAP
9) Beauty World Macs
10) Changing Appetite (damn I can't spell the word!)
11) Secluded corner in The Cathay
12) Esplanade Library (how can a list of mugging place not include a library!)
13) Bukit Panjang Library
14) Hwa Chong Library
15) Class bench
16) Reading Room
17) Ming Wei's house
18) SIM
19) Concourse in Hwa Chong (the place with the fountain and fishes)
I think that's about all...though I suspect I may have missed out a couple of them...anyway...I doubt I can take photos of all these places...but I wil least for those bold-ed places...
2 photos to end this entry...
My dining table with chem notes all over it...
8 thick ring files of notes & tutorials...2 for each subject...
the green files are J1 topics...the black files are J2 topics...
the 2 small files beside the green files are my GP files...1 for compre and 1 for essay (and the rest of GP time tunnel...hidden somewhere in my house)
the red (bio), blue (maths) and yellow (econs) files are for test papers & revision papers since I can't squeeze them into the thick ring (chem) file is probably somewhere else...
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