Tuesday, December 25, 2007

NS Life

//NS Life//

It's been 10 days since I enlisted.

Lots of people has sms-ed me to wish me luck for NS, and many have asked me how's NS whenever they see me online when I bookout. I'm really touched and it really means a lot to me...but a lot of times, I really don't know how to reply.

To quote from the letter I received from the previous person sleeping in the bed I'm sleeping on now in the bunk "BMT is not as fun as people make it out to be, but it is certainly no hell also."

I mean there would definitely be some shit times in there, like certain times when I can't cope with certain physical training and so on. But there are definitely moments inside that can make my day too, like having more admin time than usual, or when we encourage each other to do more pullups during our free time even though our muscle already aches like mad.

I didn't adapt quite as well as I thought I would initially. I was mentally prepared for a lot of things, like the regimentation of army life, the vulgarities from the commanders and so on. What I didn't expect is how a lack of friends can put a toll on my mind.

I really miss my family and friends in there. I have always coped rather well with home sickness issues whenever I have to leave my home for a extended period of time. But whatever the situation may be, I still had my friends with me. Like in Taiwan, I'm still surrounded by people I know, and even during the home stay, I was very much welcomed by my buddy's family.

That's what I didn't anticipate in NS, at least for the first couple of days. It was rather lonely, and I just can't deal with that very well. What's worse is I usually take a long time to warm up to people, so it feels even worse when I see other people starting to chat around more, getting along better.

I remembered I felt that way back in sec 1 too. It took me weeks to adjust to secondary school life.

And to make matters worse, it's a friggin' 13 week programme. Unlike St John camps or stuff like that, the whole BMT lasts for so long, and it just seems to never end, especially during the first few days.

Right now, I have already booked out twice, and I'm booking in soon. And just like I mentioned it's been 10 days since I enlisted. I'm definitely getting along much much better with my bunkmates and platoon mates right now. That's probably why I was happier the last couple of days. (or maybe it was the thought of booking on Christmas) Whatever it is, I'm just glad that I'm finally starting to get used to NS life.

On a side note, I must say I spent my bookout days rather efficiently. Met up with ever, wilson & xinyi for KBox yesterday from 11 to 2, and went to watch "Alvin & The Chipmunks" with the TIP people after that, followed by watching "National Treasure" with the St John people. Then I went back to meet the TIP people for Christmas countdown.

But I was left with a slight fever, and a sorethroat now a few hours before booking in. I'm not exactly thrilled about it, cause I just feel feverish, with the generalised body aches you get for fever, but my temperature is not above 37.5 degrees, so this means I can't go to see the Medical Officer (MO). So I'm really praying that I will get well really soon.

I just changed my countdown timer on my comp again, now I'm counting down to POP (Passing Out Parade).

77 days 6 hours 20 mins to POP!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Post A Levels

//Post A Levels//

There were lots of things I have been wanting to post here, but since I was out like almost everyday, I can't really find the time, and even if I'm at home, I would rather take that time to slacka and nua instead of blogging.

I mean there are lots of others things to do too, like seletctively throwing away notes and so on.

But with 18 hours, 44 mins and 30 seconds left of freedom before I enlist, I decided that I have to do this. If not I wouldn't have the time or energy to do this even when I book out.

So let's rewind...back to the day A levels ended on 22nd Nov......I know this is going to be boring, but I really want to record all this now, I mean afterall, there'll only be 1 "post-A-lvl" period in your life...

22nd Nov (Thursday)
A levels ended! Watched Stardust with the class. There were like 19 of us, haha, we never had such good attendance for any class activities, except maybe JTS earlier on this year. Stardust was great!

23rd Nov (Friday)
Went running in the morning, and had breakfast together with my parents at this Bedok hawker, which apparently they used to bring me there when I was 2 . Shocking discovery! My mum used to be in a band, and my dad used to go to those beach parties! My aunts (one of them is 60+ now) are frequent clubbers back when they were younger and they would lie to my grandma whenever they go clubbing! That's the kind of stuff you can dig out when you have breakfast with your parents like everyday after A levels.

25th Nov (Sunday)
Did prom shopping with mingwei. Learnt something new that day: do not ever ever shop with lee mingwei alone. But it's not entirely his fault, I mean that's what you get when 2 guys who don't really shop a lot go out shopping together.

26th Nov (Monday)
First Sentosa outing for H4! It started to rain just after we arrived at Siloso beach. We still managed to entertain ourselves by eating grass, doing forward rows, doing star jumps at the Bus terminal there. Went to Palawan beach later on in the afternoon after the rain stopped. Played frisbee...and surprisely...mingwei is the winning factor! Whoever teamed up with him will always win!

We spent a long long time trying to bury ying cheng with him sitting down...to bury him in sand to such a height...it requires a really big base...

Stupid terence with really short hands, I was supposed to be in this photo too, but terence's zi pai skills suck, you can see a bit of my hair though next to mingwei. Speaking of this, Lee Ming Wei, I want the photos from sentosa! Please upload them soon!

Terence tried to make ying cheng a tourist attraction by constantly shouting "5 bucks per photo!" when the tourists came out from Dolphin Lagoon.

27th Nov (Tuesday)
KBox outing with the class! Rebecca and Edmund who don't usually go to Kbox with us came along too! Song of the day has to go to Edmund for his "Phantom of the Opera", where he sung both the girl and guy's part. His "Re Dai Yu Ling" was pretty entertaining too, considering how he can't read the Chinese words.

28th Nov (Wednesday)
Prom shopping again, this time with my mum. Surprisely, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Finally bought my vest at Topman Suntec, with a 20 bucks discount thanks to ying cheng's voucher.

29th Nov (Thursday)
Malaysia trip to see my beloved cousin. I decided to call him Julien Mao from now on. Did some more prom shopping there, bought my shirt at Espirit there...and pants from this shop called Padini I think. Never underestimate the power of aunties! My mum actually managed to "con" the salesperson into giving us a 25% discount voucher! She was just telling that salesperson what a pity it is that I forgot to bring my Espirit card (which I borrowed from ying cheng), and that if I have that card (which gives me 10% discount) I will definitely buy more. And that salesperson just gave her a 25% discount voucher!

Apparently, according to my mum who heard from her friend, sometimes these salesperson will keep these vouchers (cause they will be given vouchers since they are staff) and give them to customers who seem to be inclined to buy a lot (for some shops, they do earn commissions), so as to increase the incentives for them to buy more. So...I got a 25% discount...by doing nothing!

30th Nov to 3rd Dec (Friday to Monday)
Class Chalet! It was really quite fun. We didn't plan anything, and we just ended up doing things on impulse, like going to Escape, which was a totally random idea raised during our breakfast at BK. Really enjoyed the midnight stoning session at the beach too.

The highlight of the chalet for me is probably the mini foodtour that ever, pauline, mitchell and I went on while the rest went for Lan. Speaking of this...Everlyn! I want the photos! We even went to Clarke Quay after the mini foodtour for a walk (and we ended up sitting down by the river...haha). The rushing to Punggol so that we don't miss the last bus to Downtown East was pretty hilarous, especially the part where we played with the doors at Punggol MRT.

Went for the tea session for SPH scholarship on 3rd Dec too. Still comtemplating if I should even apply for it. Saw terence there...and apparently he was really really shocked to see me there, and that I'm even considering for the SPH scholarhsip.

I was really pissed at some of the things he said, well, actually not at the things he said, but I was more upset by the fact that as a close friend for almost 6 years, it seems like his perception of me and who I think I am seems to be very different. I was upset at myself too, for always always being so passive in whatver things I am interested in. Maybe I have been potraying this "image" of myself around them, or they just don't know me well enough, but whatever the case may be, I was kind of upset and at the same time, inspired to be more active in pursuing my interests.

4th Dec (Tuesday)
Prom day itself! I'm not going to forgive myself if I don't blog about this, cause it's like my one and only prom in my life.

It was kind of like A levels all over again! The "preparation" part sucks, cause I really hate shopping, and though I can't wait to get it over and done with because of all the hassles associated, I kind of didn't want to come so soon, cause it's afterall the last Hwa Chong event I'm attending, the last time the whole class will be gathered in one place. I'm rather pleased with myself for keeping within my budget, I didn't think it was possible at first.

I was very glad that the whole class came, and I managed to take photos with every single one of them individually. Or at least I thought I did, till I looked through my prom photos, and I realised I didn't take one with Jason!

The food was average, not really worth the 90 bucks, but I guess food's really secondary on Prom night. I felt so blinded by all the flashlights from the camera.

06S71 at Shangri-La! Lih Hern's not in this photo cause he had to leave early (at 10+) since he's going China. The girls all dressed up really nicely, while the guys were mostly wearing black and white.

Guys of 06S71!

St John photo of those whoe went for Prom! Minghao, somehow mysteriously disappeared from this photo, though he claimed to be there. I really liked this photo, and like ying cheng said, it feels like we all 长大了, especially when compared to those sec 1 sec 2 photos.

H4 photo! I'm kind of glad we stuck to the name H4, instead of some lame suggestions like Pi Sa Dan Ta, if not I would be typing "Pi Sa Dan Ta photo!"instead.

Mingwei and I...worked with him a lot...be it on St John matters, or our Chem project. Thanks for the "hahahahhahahha"-ing. Makes me feel a lot better.

Me and Ying Cheng! Took a lot of free rides from your Dad! And lots of mugging sessions together at Cathay and SRC...thanks!

Me and Terence! Bling Bling! As annoying and irritating as you can be sometimes, I FORGIVE YOU! HAHAHA! But seriously, we all have flaws, and with close friends, we look past and beyond each other's flaws, that's why we (as in the 4 of us) are still friends. You are already in Tekong as I am typing this...but good luck anyway.

A "America's Next Top Model"-inspired photo.

Taiwan Immersion people!!!

Remember this 九份 photo?

九份 redux at Prom!

Me and Nicholas wearing the same vest! I can only say we both have great taste! Hahaha...

5th Dec (Wednesday)
Stayed overnight at Gary's house after prom, and stayed for the whole day there due to the rain. Had quite a fun time playing Munchkins, I was so close to winning...but too bad. Haha. Yahoo Graffiti that night with the class was quite imba, like this one "Tues, $1"...and the answer is.....HOTDOG!

6th Dec (Thursday)
Movies day! Watched "The Golden Compass" with the class in the afternoon, and "The Tattooist" with squadmates at night. Both movies sucked, the company made up for it fortunately. Here are some of the photos for the St John outing that night.

We visited The Concourse to supposedly reminisce, because it will be torn down really soon, and it really does mean something to us, especially the BK there.

Sitting outside BK drinking free Starbucks coffee, my second drink of the day.

Christmas fair at The Concourse.

Photo with Veishen, who went back for Malaysia that night.

7th, 8th, 9th Dec (Friday to Sunday)
Slacking and nuaing at home! Successfully tidy up my room (which actually isn't messy to start with)

10th Dec (Monday)
One last H4 outing before Terence and I enlist. Went PS for Cafe Cartel set lunch. Went on to watch "Mad Detective" after that, which I highly recommend! To sum up the movie, I shall just quote Terence's msn personal msg: "每个人心中都有鬼,那么你心里又有几只?"

This is terence...being himself.

11th Dec (Tuesday)
Went for one last Kbox session with ever and weixin, 3 of us sang for 5 hours, which is really bad for my throat. Refer to the previous entry for a funny incident that happened that day! This is a message to weixin if you are reading...you haven't send me the guy's photo during Prom, and send me the photos we took that day too!

12th Dec (Wednesday)
GP stuff! Not doing GP work of course, but filing up my GP stuff of course. I filed and kept them cause I thought some of those articles and stuff may come in handy in the future, and it feels really bad to throw them all away, when I didn't even read 90%of them.

13th Dec (Thursday)
Malaysia trip again to see Julien Mao! Bought some clothes too, since I anticpate that I won't have time to do CNY shopping next year.

And with that, I'm done with my longest entry ever!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007



I promised weixin that I will post this on the blog.

Yesterday, ever, weixin and I went kbox...kind of like a last kbox session before I enlist, and weixin happened to be singing this new song by f.i.r, "第十行星". So and it sparked off this convo between us...(of course I cannot remember the exact the dialouge, this is a rough transcript)

me: hey, now that pluto is not a planet anymore, shouldn't this song be "第九行星"?

weixin: yar lor!

ever: wait, how many planets are there now that pluto is not a planet? 10 right?

me and weixin: ?!?!?!?

weixin: Oh my god ever! It's primary 3 science!!!

me: okay okay, let me test you, what is the planet closest to the sun?

ever: erm...jupiter?

me and weixin: OHMYGOD!

ever: wait wait, that's the smallest planet!!

me and weixin: -_-" *speechless

ever: not the smallest meh?!

I guess I am in no position to laugh at her, since I can't tell what's after S T U V _ .

But you must admit that was pretty funny.

Monday, December 10, 2007



I was packing my stuff, in fact I still am, that's why my room is in a state of mess right now at 1.20 am.

I found this list of topics for each subject that I need to mug for A levels, and suddenly I remembered that A level just ended like a few weeks ago. So much time seemed to have passed for some reason.

I have been pretty busy since A lvls ended, I was out almost everyday, with the exception of fri till now, and the 2 days right after A lvls. I was either out doing prom shopping, singing at Kbox, chalet, stayovers, Prom, and the list goes on. I felt like I've done so much in this short amount of time since A levels ended.

I've been to Kbox (which I've been craving for a looong time), I've watched 3 movies, I've been to Malaysia, I've been to Sentosa...I've basically made up for the lack of social life for the past few months.

Actually I've no idea what I'm writing, I was just a bit 'inspired', for the lack of a better word, by that list of topics. I'm not like "Oh I miss mugging so much!" mode, but there's definitely a part of me kind of not adjusted to the total lack of mugging. I'm enjoying life right now, but I find myself, from time to time, thinking about my mugging sessions from the past 2 years. Maybe I don't really miss mugging, I just miss the mugging session itself.

I miss my classmates. I miss my squadmates. Don't know what's wrong with me. Received a sms from mitch wishing me luck for ns...since he will be off to indonesia with some of the class guys, and won't be back until after I enlist.

It feels like official goodbye to my student life. At least right now I still enjoy student meals, student specials, but come 15th Dec, I'm officially no longer a student. It's hard saying goodbye to this life, that I've been living for so long.

I don't think I'm making much sense now, this is really not a good time to blog, not at this kind of time, and with the mess in my room staring at me. Will try to blog about Prom...about the chalet...the food tour..and basically what's been going on in my life for the past few weeks soon.

Sunday, November 25, 2007



Finally, it's over.

I didn't anticipate that I would be overjoyed, or esctatic after my last paper, which happen to be Biology Paper 1.

Perhaps this long 23 days has been been too taxing on my mind to even feel any joy.

Perhaps I am too numbed by this feeling of "liberation" since this is the 6th time I am having this feeling in the past 2 years.

Perhaps like Ying Cheng said, "played" too much during A levels period liao, which is kind of true for me, since I still surf you tube almost every day, I still log into facebook, basically just what I do everyday (though to a much lesser extent), I mean that's what happen when you have 3 exams in 2 days, then a 7 day break.

Whatever the reason is, I knew I wasn't going to be like too excited when I hand in my last paper. But when the examiner announced "time's up, pen's down", at that very moment, I still feel a sense of liberation. It's not a "Yay it's over!" kind of liberation, more like "*Sigh*, it's finally over...." kind of feeling. Liberation nonetheless.

I daydream a lot during the A level period and slightly prior to it, cause I think I mentioned it before, when I mug, I get bored easily, and that's when I daydream the most. The scene of me handing in my last paper to the invigilator keeps playing in my mind, especially at the beginning of A levels, and that's seriously one of the main motivator that kept me going all the way, cause I always feel sooo happpy just imagining myself handing in that last paper. Maybe that's why the real thing doesn't feel as good, I mean, when something is so hyped up, it's hard to beat the hype I guess?

Nearing the end of A levels, I have even more time to daydream, since my last 3 papers are Chem MCQ, Bio MCQ and Bio paper 3, which aren't really very intensive when it comes to mugging. Instead of thinking about the last paper, I start to think more about the past. I try to remember all the mugging/crapping sessions I had with my friends, some of the more memorable tutorial sessions...just random stuff like these.

The fact that A level, and JC school life in general, is ending seems more and more real. Before that, it was something that I dream about, at that point, it was something was really going to happen soon.

I mean I talk with my friends so much about how school is ending, how this is the last tutorial session, how this is the last this and last that, but 22nd Nov is really going to be the end. I just can't quite reconcile with that fact it is really ending.

As I stepped out of the school gate that day, it was kind of a mixed feeling. Afterall, that has been my school for my past 6 years. I won't be stepping back into the school compound feeling that same way ever again.

I will miss complaining to my friends that 151 takes 30 mins to come and half of them are non air-con. I will miss the ugly brown uniform. I will miss Evelyn Ong's SMB message with 1001 different attachments. I will miss Pauline's sms from mrs ong to remind us to go to IVLE to check her newly uploaded econs articles. I will miss the 1 hour long tutorial discussing just 1 Bio MCQ. I will miss playing bridge at the class bench everyday after school. I will miss stoning at the class bench for hours before deciding what to do after every exam. I will even miss the Malay stall's curry chicken.

Okay, I think I am crazy. I will probably forget about these stuff soon, but still anyone who knows me will know that I hate changes, so it will probably take me a while to adjust myself mentally.

If my 12 years in this education is glycolysis, and NS is Krebs Cycle, then this 23 days before my enlistment is definitely the Link Reaction, which is kind of useless, but still necessary for me to adjust my mindset before I stepped onto Tekong to contribute to the nature by feeding the mosquitos.

Please don't mind my Bio analogy, I would forget most of these stuff soon anyway, so let me use them as much as possible before they get erased permanently from my memory.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Road Congestion

//Road Congestion//

And she strikes again!

Mrs Evelyn Ong uploaded new econs articles onto the emb again! (for those who don't check the emb regularly)

I really really admire her for the passion she has in the subject she teaches.

And ironically, this is the first time I downloaded and read an article she uploaded.

Previously, I would only download essay and case studies ans keys, since it's obviously going to be more helpful for my A lvls, and given the fact that I have so little time left to study for so many subjects, I opted to dao all the articles she uploaded.

So today, for the first time, I downloaded this article on possible ways to solve the problem of road congestion, since I feel more free now that A levels is more or less near the end. (with Bio paper 1 and 3 left for me)

It's actually quite an entertaining read, probably cause there wasn't any arcane economics theory in the article. Some ideas are really funny...like:

1. Going underground
With public-private partnerships, we can build a road network under the city centre. Been there, done that? Well, the network will have direct access to underground carparks of major buildings, so drivers need not surface while in the Central Business District.

Our subterranean network will be green too. It will have a ventilation system that channels exhaust gases into a sump. In this sump, the gases are allowed to settle in a still environment.

Because carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it will collect at the bottom. There, it can be siphoned to be released judiciously in dense vegetation. Rate of release will vary according to intensity of sunlight, so that the plants can benefit from the enriched CO2 environment.

What is in it for us? Higher levels of oxygen from the photosynthesis, of course.

This next one is pretty funny too...

4. Baby boom
The vehicle quota system should be need- driven instead of dollar-driven. One way would be to tie the "entitlement to own cars" to people with children or people who take care of aged parents – on the premise that they need a car most.

First child, you get to buy a small car. Second child, a medium-sized car. And having three or more entitles you to a multi-purpose vehicle. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. We have set criteria and priorities for public housing.

So why not a similar philosophy for road usage demand?'

And this next one is my absolute favourite!

6. Do nothing
Worsening congestion will persuade people to leave cars at home and take public transport. But this will probably be a revenue-negative proposition, and thus, not very attractive.

Hahahahaha, quite an interesting read isn't it?

I am really impressed with how she cut out all these articles and archive them and so on, she must really really love econs to do that.

Anyway, after so many days of intensive mugging...this is the kind of MSN conversation u will get...

(context: i was discussing with meng about mugging tgt on tue...asking him if the Bio TYS he own has ans or not, and he replied yes!)

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
so i support mugging tgt on tue!

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
thn can share resources!

/\/\ \/\/ : says:
more like a dative bond

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
dun chem me

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
i econs u

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
it's a free rider!

/\/\ \/\/ : says:
more like obligate parasites

/\/\ \/\/ : says:

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:
tax me tax me!

/\/\ \/\/ : says:

-:=[想着你]=:- 封闭的心不再防备全然释放,未来的路那么长,你已疲惫不堪,为什么幸福那么难... says:

/\/\ \/\/ : says:
hmmmm maths can notz huh???

Crazy people!

Thursday, November 08, 2007



I conclude that the Hwa Chong Economics Department is officially crazy (in a good way).


It's like a daily routine during A levels to log into EMB to download new economics articles or answer keys to other JC papers that the Econs department uploaded.

Let's SQUEEEZZEE everything into my brain in this 4 days.

I salute them for their effort, I just hope I can be as hardworking as them.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Mugging Places

//Mugging Places//

It's kind of ironic how I actually blog more during the exam period (A lvls somemore), but I guess the very fact that it's exam --> i mug a lot --> i get very bored easily --> i want to do something other than mugging --> i go to the kitchen for food --> i get fat --> i feel guilty --> i stop eating --> i try to find something else to do --> I BLOG!

See the logical flow of ideas? That's how I prepare my notes.....


Increase in nuclear charge --> almost constant shielding effect --> effective nuclear charge increase --> pull the outer electrons closer to the nucleus --> atomic radius decrease across the period


Decrease in tax --> increase in disposable income --> increase in consumption --> increase in AD

And I digress too much already! Hope my GP essay was not like this. Speaking of GP, I just caught a glimpse of our dear PM Lee on the news, talking about environmental conservation! How being the small little red dot that we are, even if we stop using all the aircon blah blah blah for don't know how long, the energy we can conserve is only equivalent what China used up in 3 days, but he said this doesn't mean we will stop making the effort, cause we are a global city afterall...

I wonder where he got his statistics from. And more importantly, it's related to the GP essay that I (and zillions of other individuals) attempted! The topic seems to be haunting me!
It's just like prelims, I remember the day after Econs paper, I saw on the Channel 8 evening news, a report on increasing the MRT fares...which was exactly what came out in the micro case study!


Back to what I wanted to blog about in the first place...MUGGING PLACES! I figured in about 18 days 9 hours time, I won't be mugging anymore..for about 2+ years...which means I probably won't be visiting my favourite mugging hangouts of my 2 years in JC...so I decided that I want to take some photos of them so that I can look back at these photos and remember what a wonderful mugger I was!

These places include...

1) My dinning room!
2) My living room!
3) My room!
4) My kitchen!
5) My balcony!
6) My sister's room!
7) The masterbed room! (don't you think master-bed room sounds dirty?)

Well..all these ain't that exciting, so I probably won't be posting photos...except maybe 1 or 2 (with my notes sprawling all over the place)

Now for the more exciting ones...(the bold-ed ones are places which I've been to rather regularly to mug)

1) Marina Square Foodcourt!
2) Paradiz Foodcourt!
3) Habourfront Centre Foodcourt!
4) United Square Foodcourt!
5) Century Square Foodcourt!
6) Sumohouse! (which sells jap food by the way)
7) Cosy corner at Hwa Chong SRC! (it's not the same as cosy corner in coro...this one's at science research centre in Hwa Chong..it's basically a corner...with benches..and it gets really warm in the afternoon...haha)
8) KAP
9) Beauty World Macs
10) Changing Appetite (damn I can't spell the word!)
11) Secluded corner in The Cathay
12) Esplanade Library (how can a list of mugging place not include a library!)
13) Bukit Panjang Library
14) Hwa Chong Library
15) Class bench
16) Reading Room
17) Ming Wei's house
18) SIM
19) Concourse in Hwa Chong (the place with the fountain and fishes)

I think that's about all...though I suspect I may have missed out a couple of them...anyway...I doubt I can take photos of all these places...but I wil try...at least for those bold-ed places...

2 photos to end this entry...

My dining table with chem notes all over it...

8 thick ring files of notes & tutorials...2 for each subject...
the green files are J1 topics...the black files are J2 topics...
the 2 small files beside the green files are my GP files...1 for compre and 1 for essay (and the rest of GP stuff...like time tunnel...hidden somewhere in my house)
the red (bio), blue (maths) and yellow (econs) files are for test papers & revision papers since I can't squeeze them into the thick ring files...green (chem) file is probably somewhere else...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Writers' Strike

//Writers' Strike//



Let this strike ends ASAP!

If not...there goes my source of entertainment post A levels and pre-enlistment....


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

31st October

//31st October//

And so it begins...the 23 day battle...starting tomorrow for me.

And apparently my brother's O lvl Chinese is tomorrow too...

So is my sis's exam on Du Fu's poem...

All 3 of us are going for exams tomorrow together!! (though one in east coast, one in Bukit Timah, and one in Taiwan)

Good luck to all! (slap yourself now cause you really shouldn't be reading this at this time!)

And I just changed my countdown timer from "START OF A LEVELS" to the "END OF A LEVELS".

As of this moment, I'm 22 days 15 hours 26 mins and 30 seconds to liberation.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mao Mao Photo Spam

//Mao Mao Photo Spam//

I know you guys would probably be bored of my cute cute cousin's photos by now, but he is too cute to resist! He is one year old + now! Furthermore, I probably won't be writing much lately anyway, since there's nothing interesting about mugging anyway...

Not feeling very inspired to write too, though I've been thinking about some stuff recently...especially with things that has been going on like Grad Night, last CT session (with amazing potLUCK) & the receiving of enlistment letter...

So to prevent this blog from dying (like most of my classmate's blogs)...I shall spam photos!

cool mao mao...

grinning-ear-to-ear (with teeth!) mao mao

greedy mao mao...

belated birthday gift frm my sis (all the way from taiwan) to mao mao...

mao mao trying his new singlet...

...and oversized Snoopy polo tee...he sure looks happy doesn't he?

hungry mao mao...

mao mao (thinking): what about me?!

DA GE DA mao mao...

Oops I did it again!

Obedient-do-housework-for-mama mao mao

Play-with-chopstick mao mao...

Holding on for dear life...

mao mao: Give it to me...

Not mao mao..but ME! HAHA. Saw the teddy bear that I got from the class while shopping with mao mao...it feels weird to actually to be hugging the bear...instead of hugging the plastic (cause my bear is still wrapped in plastic...)...my bear is now living happily with the Hwa Chong bear now...

Monday, October 08, 2007

St John Photo Spam

//St John Photo Spam//

Haven't posted anything concrete here for quite some time. There's just so so many things to be done, and it's 20 days more to the big "A"s. It's kind of scary, but I really cannot freak out now, if I do, it will be 20 days of hell. Like Gary (and a lot of the others said). This 20 days will be long...but once it starts...it will be over before we know it...

On a side note, actually what I mentioned above was the side note, since this entry is supposed to be a st john photo spam. I finally got the CD of photos from jeremy. It's a weird looking at all these photos. It's not just nostalgia...espeically at this point in time...

I mean afterall, I've officially graduated from Hwa Chong (though I still have to go back to school)...my time in Hwa Chong is really really near the end already. It's been almost 6 years, kind of fast isn't it? So looking back at all these photos...makes me feel even more sad that I am going to leave all these behind really soon.

I was looking at edwin tan's facebook photo album, and I saw lots of photos of the old EP3 block, old St John room...all gone....then I look around me now...will the class bench still be there a few years down the road? Will the school still be the same? I better start taking some photos soon...

There are so so many moments throughout my 6 years here that I wished was captured down...like the time during sjab camp where we lie down in front of the clock tower at 12 midnight...or that one time I was at the terraces with my classmates (they were running, while I was lying down at the terraces..looking up at the sky)...or the gazillion times we played bridge at the class bench till 8+ in school before going for dinner....or even the times I spent with yc, meng and terence during recess talking crap even though we were from different classes....

It's this little moments throughout the 6 years that truly made my time here memorable, and it's things like this that I can't bear to part with...

I know it's a really bad time to start reminiscing about the past...but damn...it must be the photos' fault...ooh and grad night. Stupid photos and grad night. I should be mugging!

Anyway...here are the photos from the CD...

St John December Camp 2003

Irvin! And is that Shengjia lying on the floor?? Or is Shengjia the one back facing us?

LOL at this picture. Mingwei's face was clear, terence had bair hair, I still have my lao fu zi specs...and the scary thing is when I showed this to them, we actually remembered what happened. This is the fun triage, and the person we are dragging is You Jun, supposedly the terrorist (capturing the terrorist will gain us more points).

An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

I actually miss doing TOC...haha

Though I definitely don't like tunneling...

Minghao in action while Kai herng is busy posing for the camera. tsk tsk.

I remember this triage, probably the worst ever in my kife, and this clock tower stop was probably the hardest and most screwed up one.

Zone Competition 2004

Lol at this photo again. My classic open-mouth-and-stone expression. Lol at terence's hair too.

Before the comp in school!

Before the comp chilling at the foodcourt in Concorde (spelling?)

Aaron's team doing footdrill...tsk tsk...Aaron never point down his toes...

Mingwei humping the stretcher!

AA in action!

Loading the casualty onto the ambulance..

OMG I remember this case. I don't remember the injuries or what, but I rmb Kai Meng was so fat that it was so hard for me to do the total body checkup (especially checking his back)...

Doing case...short case? Long case? Can't rmb....

National Comp 2004

Saluting to Mr Tan Kah Kee before setting off...

Still saluting...

STILL SALUTING! I think we saluted him 88 times...

But saluting to him 88 times doesn't seem to help...one of our worst footdrill ever...like seriously...look at the arm swing...I remembered it was bad...I just didn't remember it was that bad...


Short case wasn't much better...I couldn't even diagnose major epilepsy...it's like spotting questions for exams..I was hoping this won't come out...and it did...and jeremy assigned me to him...tough luck...

As if the day wasn't bad enough...we had a "novel scenario" (quoted frm mrs foo) for TOC...

TOC without stretcher! How nice of them...

When we thought all hopes were lost...LONG CASE SAVED OUR LIVES! OMG, I still rmb how I was unexpectedly not nervous doing the CPR...

Me doing CPR...

And I even remember to put the casualty into recovery position after that...that is really like one of the best cases we did....

St John June Camp 2004

LOL at Chiawu...& Kai Herng Junior a.k.a Norvin...

Look at the background..that's my squad!! in pumping position..haha

Look at the stuff on the floor..haha..I remember I would practise emptying my bag and putting all the stuff back in within 30 secs at home before the camp....and I would pack my stuff such that it facilitates the emptying & repacking...haha....and we were already sweating like mad before the camp started....


Notice there is no squad beside the sec 2 (at that time) squad? That's cause we were off to out 12 rounds run at the track in st john uniform for peeping at the camp schedule....

Back from the run & off for triage...

Kai Herng's twin! Norvin! Notice how kai herng also looked like that in sec 1...and how both him and norvin changed drastically in sec 4...bu kui shi twins...


The longest tunneling we did I think...at least the floor's relatively cleaner...

Not so clean here...and 2 tunneling in a triage...almost died...

Passing Out Parade 2004

That's me!

NCO 2004-2005 with NCO 2003-2004